Most of us used LinkedIn to stay connected to business friends and research possible clients and employees. The groups there can be especially beneficial for keeping abreast of current trends. In one marketing group I belong to the question was “What are two words that define marketing?”
With over 1000 responses the urge to create a word cloud was impossible to resist. This sort of information is ideal for the visual representation a word cloud provides. Each word is sized according to the number of times it is given as an answer. The placement of the words within the shape is random but their relative size is not. Still, at the top of the heap here is the word “Connect.”
What better way is there to truly connect with a customer, or hoped-to-be-customer, than a small gift, arriving unexpectedly with a kind note? Here at Priority Pak, one of the leading Los Angeles Fulfillment providers, we can help you connect with your customers, finding a promotional item that exemplifies your business and building your customers’ perception of you as a valued partner.
For one client that runs fairly consistent fund raising campaigns, Priority Pak stores six different “Thank You!” gifts that are shipped out based upon funding level and donor preference. Each gift includes a small pre-printed note expressing thanks, encouraging the recipient to let others know of their involvement with the organization and to share the value they feel they get on behalf of themselves and for the community. None of these gifts cost more than $20.00 and several are well under $10.00 in actual cost, yet they raise millions of dollars every year.
Four big words stand out in the marketing word cloud. What are you doing to connect with your customers and create value in their mind?